What is FinFit?
Financial fitness (FinFit) matters to us all. That's why we created HSBC FinFit, to explore the financial habits, knowledge, planning, security and safety concerns of people in Singapore. Our report findings and the wider FinFit program can help you to:
- Improve your financial knowledge and habits
- Develop and fine-tune your financial planning strategy
- Explore the products and services you need
Enjoy SGD50 cash credit and up to 50% off on your trades with HSBC
Open an eligible investment account and invest in Unit Trusts or Equities with HSBC via the Online Banking or HSBC Singapore App to enjoy cash credit and commission rebates on your first 10 trades. Promotion ends 31 Mar 2023. For more details, visit here.
How financially fit are Singaporeans?
Our recent FinFit study took a look at Singaporeans' financial fitness, and found that we currently score:
The four pillars that make up this score are:
- Financial Habits: 70
- Financial Knowledge: 67
- Financial Planning: 57
- Financial Security: 73
Based on the FinFit study, these are the top 5 financial Concerns listed
- Dealing with unexpected expenses 60%
- Education fee, tuition fee, classes fee for Children 60%
- Supporting parents financially 60%
- Unable to support retirement lifestyle 58%
- Save money for property 57%
Finfit tools
Here are some tools we have that can help kickstart your financial planning towards your financial goals:
How to improve on your Financial Fitness
As you understand where the gaps are in reaching your financial goals, let us partner you in your financial journey and enhance your financial confidence in the areas of Financial Guidance, Wealth Creation Support and Long-term planning. You can:
- Rely on our professional advice to foster confidence in product selection
- Deploy investment products for wealth building, and have diversification of savings and investments in your portfolio this can potentially expand wealth growth.
- Improve understanding of investment products. Limited understanding of investment products apart from local stocks might hinder the use of an array of investment products for wealth building.
- Encourage review of financial plan and rebalance portfolio regularly. As our life situation changes, the finances might potentially change. Cultivate the habit of reviewing financial plan and balancing portfolio early and regularly, this can help us keep in check our goals are met
- Are some of us thinking about retirement? At some point or other, this would be something that we have to plan for. Should this be longer term and putting in the work for retirement planning?
- Whatever the case might be, we are here to partner you and look at all opportunities
Start your financial journey towards financial confidence with us
HSBC opens up a world of opportunity through the following products and services:

Everyday Global Account
Maintain good saving habits with the Everyday Global Account.

HSBC Premier
A Premier banking experience for you and your family.

Unit Trust
Explore, buy and sell Unit Trusts (UTs). With a choice of Regular Savings Plan (RSP) or a lump sum investment. Choose from more than 100 funds available, including ESG funds.

Online Trading
Explore, buy and sell trades across US, HK and SG. At attractive trading fees.

Foreign exchange
Attractive rates for customers who have needs to trade in foreign currency, they can do so from the native app.

Wealth Insights
Regular articles on houseviews available.

Get a consolidated view of your finances from banks, SGX Central Depository (SGX CDP) and relevant government agencies.

Connect with us
Get in touch with the bank. Contact us to power up your financial fitness with holistic financial planning and personalised coaching.
Power up your financial fitness journey
Transform the way you manage your finances. Why stop here?
Safely view your financial data across participating financial institutions with HSBC FinConnect in the HSBC Singapore app.
- Total net worth computation
- Breakdown of assets and liabilities
- Holdings by account types or currencies
- SGX Central Depository (SGX CDP) data and Myinfo data such as CPF accounts, Notice of Assessment and HDB Loans
- Understand your portfolio composition by asset class, geographies and sectors
- Option for a detailed portfolio analysis from a Wealth Manager or your dedicated Relationship Manager
Boost your financial fitness
FinFit 101

How to start building your savings
Here's how to regularly set money aside and start growing your wealth.

Smarter ways to grow your cash
Whether you're new to investing or an experienced trader, there're more ways than one to boost your cash holdings.

8 steps to prepare for a great retirement
Here're 8 steps to help you plan better and take charge of your retirement.

How much financial protection do you need?
Working out how much financial protection you need in your wealth planning journey.
Plan your finances better today with more cashback and rewards
Criteria | Rewards |
Invest in online Unit Trusts1 |
0% sales charge on monthly Regular Savings Plan contributions and 0.85% promotional sales charge for lump sum investments |
Criteria |
Invest in online Unit Trusts1 |
Rewards |
0% sales charge on monthly Regular Savings Plan contributions and 0.85% promotional sales charge for lump sum investments |
Let your wealth flourish with HSBC Premier
Enjoy global wealth management services and banking support for you and your loved ones, wherever you are in the world.
1HSBC Online Unit Trust Promotion terms and conditions apply.
Investment involves risk. Unit Trusts are investment products and some may involve derivatives. The value of investments and units may go down and up, and the investor may not get back the original sum invested. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. In a worst case scenario, the value of the fund may be worth substantially less than the original amount you have invested (and in an extreme case could be worth nothing). Investors and potential investors must not solely rely on the content of this material to make investment decisions and should read carefully and understand the offering documents (including the prospectus and full text of the risk factors stated therein), available at HSBC branches, before investing.
Terms and conditions governing Unit Trust Transactions and the terms and conditions governing Investment Accounts also apply.
The Bank does not make any guarantee, representation or warranty and does not take responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness of the information in the documents. Opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice.
This document is for information only and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe for any investment. The mention of any investment product or class of investment products ("product") should not be construed as representing a recommendation to buy or sell that product, nor does it represent a forecast on future performance of the product. The information contained on this web site is intended for Singapore residents only and should not be construed as a distribution, an offer to sell, or a solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where such activities would be unlawful under the laws of such jurisdiction, in particular the United States of America and Canada. The specific investment objectives, personal situation and particular needs of any person have not been taken in consideration. You should therefore not rely on it as investment advice. Before you make any investment decision, you may wish to consult a financial adviser. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a financial adviser, you should carefully consider whether the investment product is suitable for you.
Deposit Insurance Scheme
Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured.
This document is for information only and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe for any investment. The mention of any investment product or class of investment products ("product") should not be construed as representing a recommendation to buy or sell that product, nor does it represent a forecast on future performance of the product. The information contained on this web site is intended for Singapore residents only and should not be construed as a distribution, an offer to sell, or a solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where such activities would be unlawful under the laws of such jurisdiction, in particular the United States of America and Canada. The specific investment objectives, personal situation and particular needs of any person have not been taken in consideration. You should therefore not rely on it as investment advice. Before you make any investment decision, you may wish to consult a financial adviser. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a financial adviser, you should carefully consider whether the investment product is suitable for you.