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Making online banking safe and secure

We're committed to ensuring your safety when banking with us online. Our online security measures can help protect your money, privacy and personal details.
to HSBC fraud guide

Learn about common scams and precautionary measures you can take to protect yourself.


Learn about the security features we’ve recently introduced to ensure a secure digital banking experience.

to HSBC safeguard

In today's increasingly connected world, it's more important than ever to make sure you're banking securely.

A person is holding a mobile phone; image used for HSBC Singapore Banking Securely With Peace of Mind article.

Practice digital safety to protect yourself from cybercrime.


Say bon voyage to cybercrime with these 9 simple travel tips.

Key and lock with laptop; image used for HSBC Singapore Overview of Banking Securely article.

Don't become a victim of online scammers and their tricks. Here are some ways you can proactively keep fraud at bay.


Find out more on HSBC’s suite of security features and measures to safeguard your accounts.

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