Grow a legacy that leads your loved ones to greater things
Your legacy is much more than the wealth you leave behind for your family. We are here to help you grow your legacy and ensure your plans for your loved ones are taken care of, and lead them to greater success with financial assurance and support.
Grow your legacy with HSBC Life Emerald Legacy Life III - a single premium whole life plan. So you can rest assured that your wealth is preserved for your family or passed on for many more generations to come.
Key features
- Whole of life coverageCoverage for death and terminal illness, up to age 99.
- Replacement of life insuredOption to replace the life insured when the need arises, for both corporate and individual policies1.
- Quit smoking incentive to help you live healthier5% of the single premium paid will be refunded to you when the life insured quits smoking anytime2 within the first 4 policy years.
- Choice of currencyAvailable in both SGD and USD.
Unique benefits
Enjoy greater coverage with these one-of-a kind benefits.

Minimum Protection Cover with option to cover to age 85 or 993
Get higher guaranteed coverage with added flexibility through Minimum Protection Cover (MPC). Whether it's maintaining the same coverage at 100% or reducing it to 80%, you can extend your MPC to age 99 with Life Extender Booster at the point of application, every 5th policy anniversary or after any life event before age 70.4

Guaranteed cash value
Get in touch
Call us on 1800 – HSBC NOW (4722 669) or find your nearest branch to apply in person.
For all policy servicing-related enquiries, please call (65) 6880 4888.
What else should I know
As buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment, an early termination of the policy usually involves high costs and the surrender value, if any, that is payable to you may be zero or less than the total premiums paid. It is also detrimental to replace an existing life insurance policy with a new one as the new policy may cost more or have fewer benefits at the same cost.
More Information
1You may request to change the Life Insured anytime throughout the Policy Term as long as such replacement occurs no earlier than 2 years after the Issue Date. Please refer to Product Summary for more details.
2A Quit Smoking Declaration Form will need to be submitted for our underwriting assessment during your application. Please refer to the Product Summary for the complete terms and conditions relating to this incentive.
3MPC option up to age 85 is available for USD. MPC option up to age 85 or 99 is available for SGD.
4Only applicable if MPC to Age 85 is selected. Please refer to Product Summary for details and conditions to extend the Minimum Protection Period.
5Reversionary bonus is not guaranteed but once declared, it forms part of the guaranteed benefits of your policy.
6Terminal bonus is not guaranteed and may be paid in addition to the reversionary bonus upon surrender, death or maturity of the policy. The rate of terminal bonus is based on a percentage of the reversionary bonus accumulated under the policy.
HSBC Life Emerald Legacy Life III is underwritten by HSBC Life (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (Reg. No. 199903512M), and distributed by HSBC Bank (Singapore) Limited ('HSBC'). It is not an obligation of, a deposit in, or guaranteed by, HSBC.
This webpage contains general information only and does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any specific person. This is not a contract of insurance and is not intended as an offer or recommendation to buy the product. A copy of the product summary may be obtained from our authorised product distributors. You should read the product summary before deciding whether to purchase the product. You may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser before making a commitment to purchase the product. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a financial adviser, you should consider whether the product in question is suitable for you. Please refer to the policy contract for the exact terms and conditions, specific details and exclusions of this product.
Policy Owners' Protection Scheme
This policy is protected under the Policy Owners Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the LIA or SDIC websites ( or
Information is correct as at 1 February 2024.
This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.