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Unit trust investment

Grow your wealth through investments with our range of professionally managed unit trusts (or funds).

Invest in Unit Trust anytime and anywhere through HSBC Singapore App.

Discover and invest in unit trusts (or funds)

It doesn't matter if you want to invest in a low-risk fund, be more adventurous in your outlook, or look to build a portfolio to meet your financial goals – there's a unit trust out there for you. Explore our extensive range of carefully selected unit trusts to suit different risk profiles.

Awarded Singapore's Best for Investment Research

HSBC is awarded Singapore's Best Investment Research award in Euromoney Global Private Banking Award 2024*, and is the preferred wealth partner for multigenerational families globally and we are committed to delivering high-quality insights and market analysis to help our clients make informed decisions.

*Singapore's Best Investment Research award is won by HSBC Global Private Banking.


Unit Trust Offers

Invest in Unit Trust digitally and pay 0% sales charge

Exploring funds to build or diversify your investment portfolio? Enjoy a one-time 0% sales charge1 (savings of up to SGD1702) when you purchase up to SGD20,000 in Unit Trusts in a single trade, via HSBC Online Banking or HSBC Singapore App.

Promotion from now through 31 May 2025. Terms and conditions apply.

1 Only applies to the first single digital trade in Unit Trusts you make during the promotional period, provided that you either (i) have zero Unit Trust holdings with us as at 31 January 2025 or (ii) did not purchase Unit Trusts through HSBC Online Banking and/or HSBC Singapore App from 1 February 2024 up to and including 31 January 2025. The usual Management Fees will continue to apply as this is charged by the fund manager for managing the investments. Please refer to the Product Highlight Sheet for applicable fees.  

SGD170 is calculated based on the usual 0.85% sales charge on digital trades for the maximum cap of SGD 20,000 for the purpose of this promotion.

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Existing HSBC Customer

Don't have an Unit Trust Investment account?

Open an award-winning Investment account through online banking.

Log on HSBC Singapore App> Tap Wealth > Tap open Investment account

Existing Investor?

Are you an existing savings and Unit Trust investment account holder?

Log on HSBC Singapore App> Tap Wealth > Tap Stocks

Put Cash To Work with HSBC Asset Management Solutions

High interest rate environment may push bond prices down and yields higher. This provides an opportunity for investors to take advantage of the compelling yields currently available.

Tap into expert insights and learn how you can better manage your investments to create wealth for your future.  Watch the “Let’s Talk Wealth” series here.

Find out more about possible investment risks.

Benefits of unit trusts

Unit trusts offer several key benefits:

  • Diversification in one investment
    A unit trust fund invests in a diverse portfolio of investments. This helps to diversify your risk better than investing in a single security.
  • Liquidity and no lock-in period
    You can buy and sell unit trusts on any dealing day with ease - online or through your Relationship Manager.
  • Low costs and investment commitment to access a basket of securities
    Unit trusts let you access a portfolio of investments from as low as SGD1,000 - a more cost efficient option than building the portfolio yourself.
  • Access to different markets and investment instruments
    Gain exposure to countries/regions, sectors and investments that are not easily accessible as an individual.
  • Professional management
    Let the experts work for you - your investments are managed by investment professionals who spend their careers researching and managing investments.

Lump Sum Investment

  • Make a one-time investment on a fund
  • Minimum SGD1,000 placement

Regular Savings Plan (RSP)

  • Make monthly regular smaller sized investments on a selected fund to reduce market volatility. This is known as dollar cost averaging.
  • From 1 January to 31 December 2024, enjoy a discounted 0.85% sales charge on lump sum investment and initial contribution on Regular Savings Plan (RSP) in Unit Trusts purchased via HSBC's Online Unit Trust platform. Terms and conditions apply.
  • To invest in a Regular Savings Plan:

- Minimum first investment of SGD1,000

- Subsequent investment of as low as SGD100 per month

Know more about Unit Trust Investments

You need to have the following:

  • An active investment account with HSBC with Online Banking.
  • A valid settlement account in the denominated currency of the Fund you wish to invest into.
  • Valid Customer Knowledge Assessment (CKA) where you have assessed to have knowledge and experience in transacting UT.

Grow your wealth with the HSBC Singapore app

With just a single log in, you can open a Unit Trust investment account, explore, review and shortlist from more than 100 unique funds across risks profiles, including ESG funds. Your investment journey doesn't stop there, you can buy Unit Trusts via a Lump Sum or Regular Savings Plan, or sell your holdings, depending on your investment needs and strategies. Do all these at your fingertips, 24/7. Learn more about the new features here:

Here's how to invest in unit trusts using the HSBC Singapore app

Don't have the HSBC Singapore app? Download it now!

You don't need a fortune to start investing

It's not just for the rich. See how you can begin your journey today.

Things to know

Frequently asked questions

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