Plan your legacy
Proper legacy planning and preservation is a cornerstone of any successful retirement plan and helps ensure that your wishes will be respected and your loved ones taken care of. Legacy Planning is a multifaceted process that can be used for a variety of purposes, from helping to grow and preserve your wealth for future use to transferring your wealth.
Legacy solutions
HSBC can provide various solutions based on your legacy needs. If you're looking to maximise your wealth, HSBC offers access to life insurance and universal life plans. If you're looking to protect and distribute your assets, HSBC can assist you in your financial planning and provide referrals to third party professionals if you require legal or tax advice.
Benefits of a legacy plan
- Take control according to your own will
- Minimise conflicts by planning ahead - "who gets what, when and how"
- Achieve tax efficiency with proper planning and a good understanding of the impact of inheritance tax on assets or businesses locally or overseas
- Appoint representatives to manage your assets

Wills, Estate Plans and Trusts
A will is a legal document in which you set out how your assets (estate) are to be distributed upon your death.
The aim of an efficient estate plan is to maximise the wealth to be distributed to dependants while minimizing the tax implications.
Trusts are valuable tools when constructing an estate plan and can provide tax benefits when used correctly. A trust is an arrangement whereby legal ownership of your assets is transferred to a trustee who will hold these assets on behalf of your beneficiaries and manage these assets according to the conditions set out in the trust deed.

Life Insurance
You can take out a life insurance policy for an agreed coverage amount and nominate beneficiaries according to your wishes. Your beneficiaries will receive the agreed amount after you pass away.
Structuring your wealth in a tax efficient manner helps ensure that more of your assets reach your intended beneficiaries.

Lasting Power of Attorney
If you lose the ability to make decisions in future, you will want someone you can trust to help you. A lasting power of attorney (LPoA) allows you to appoint attorney(s), while you are still mentally capable, to take care of your financial matters in the event that you become mentally incapacitated. In Singapore, a person will not be able to make an LPoA, if he/she is mentally incapacitated.
Legacy Planning involves a combination of legal, tax and financial expertise. While our relationship managers and financial consultants can assist with legacy planning, we do not prepare wills or provide specific tax or legal advice. However, we can refer you to third party professionals if you require.
Learn more about legacy planning
Read our guide to legacy planning and learn when is the best time to plan, the benefits of legacy planning, and how HSBC can help you preserve your wealth.